About Me

I am a self-confessed obsessive sewer who loves all things crafty. My love for sewing started a couple of years ago when I was given a John Lewis ‘Mini’ sewing machine for Christmas. My memories of sewing consisted of boring textiles classes at school so I was a little overwhelmed at the prospect of using it. However none the less I went to my local fabric shop and bought what I hoped was suitable material for making a cushion cover. On my way out I happened to spot a leaflet for The Make and Do Studio who were advertising sewing classes. As someone who is always willing to give anything new a try I signed up for a half day introduction to sewing. I was so excited at the prospect of finally getting the cogs whirring in both my brain and in my new little machine!

After completing the class I was hooked! Since then I have completed almost every class the studio has to offer and have a new found friend in Maeri who runs the classes. The classes gave me the confidence to try sewing for myself and I have never looked back! I now love to try out new patterns and adapt and tweak them to make them unique and quirky. I love trying new projects using different fabrics and techniques. I love to up-cycle and repurpose fabric from previous projects, with the odd new bit thrown in. I love scouring charity shops and car boot sales to get items to make into lovely one off items.

I love how my blog brings like minded people together. It is so nice to get people’s comments on my projects and great to get ideas from others. You might find the odd post on my adventures around the country and maybe even some on my baking. However my main aim is to share with you my sewing projects with some tutorials thrown in along the way!

Sarah x